The Bucksport Historical Society Museum is open Wednesday through Friday in July and August from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Located within an old railroad station, the musuem exhibits artifacts from local history.
Selected Bucksport Historical Society images:
Baseball team, Bucksport, ca. 1910
WW I 75MM Shells
Old ship in harbor, Bucksport, ca. 1870
Heywood Harness House, Bucksport, ca. 1910
Sarah Ware's purse, Bucksport, ca. 1898
EMCS baseball team, Bucksport, ca. 1909
Bucksport Fire 1915
Murder weapon, Bucksport, ca. 1898
EMCS Baseball Team 1892
EMCS Women's Basketball team 1917
'Colored Giants,' Bucksport, 1932
Military medical kit, Bucksport, ca. 1918